
+ What is a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC)?

Registered Therapeutic Counsellor is a designation for competency-based counsellors who meets the entry-to-practice proficiency to practice, based on the Task Group for Counsellor Regulation Competency Profile.

  • Information aquired from the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists

+ What is Somatic Experiencing (SE)®?

SE is a body-awareness approach to trauma. SE restores self-regulation lost to physical and emotional trauma and allows indiviuals to rediscover their sense of aliveness, relaxation, and wholeness. Learn more here

+ What is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP)® ?

An SEP is a trained practitioner who has completed the 3 year certification requirement's through Somatic Experiencing International (SEI). Learn more here

+ Who are RTC's regulated by?

RTC's are currently regulated through various associations in British Columbia. RTC’s are bound by their Ethical Practice Standards of which can be found through their regulating Association. My regulating association is the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada (ACCT). To find out more information please click on the link found at the bottom of my website.

  • Information aquired from the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists

+ How to make a complaint?

Clients are supported and protected through my regulating association (ACCT), however please make contact with your counsellor directly to discuss your complaint and see if the issue can be resolved this way first. If you feel the need to discuss an incident of serious concern you can contact the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada.

  • Information aquired from the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists

+ What is Humanistic Psychology?

The foundation of Humanistic Psychology is the belief that people are inherently good, they know what they need, and movement towards wholeness and connection are natural human processes. Each person and each experience is unique, so Therapists should treat each case individually, rather than rely on averages.

+ What is Transpersonal Psychology?

Transpersonal translates to ‘beyond the personal’. This therapeutic approach encourages individuals to discover the core of who they are -- this is to say, the underlying person that exists regardless of an individual’s body, age, gender, physical space, culture, and appearance. Transpersonal psychology was first announced and defined with the publication of The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, in 1969. Guided by the work of psychologists Abraham Maslow, Anthony Sutich and colleagues, this new field was founded on a commitment to open-ended inquiry, experiential and empirical validation, and a values-oriented approach to human experience.