+ Why Counselling?
Our Minds and bodies develop in relationship to our caregivers and trusted community. It is in this relationship where they heal, process and flourish. There are many reasons why people pursue counselling. Recognizing when you are having difficulties is an important part of knowing if counselling could help you. Therapy with a trained professional can be a space and alliance where your brain and body has the opportunity to learn and develop. What is essential is safety. A physiological state which enables our biology to attune and regulate to a safe "other", in this case a trained counsellor. In a safe state you have the opportunity to learn; flexible and collaberative communication, self-regulation, and increased resiliency.
+ What are the advantages of online counselling?
The convenience of counselling online offers flexibility and space to reduce or alleviate common barriers. Some of these barriers may be travel time, anxiety, childcare, and accessability. With online counselling you can receive the help you deserve from the comfort of your own space.
+ What will we discuss during my free consultation?
We will speak for 20 minutes about what your current struggle is, how counselling may aid, and what your goal may be. This consultation allows you to get a better sense of who I am, and how I would approach helping you. We can arrange this conversation by phone or video conferencing platform.
+ Is counselling confidential?
Counselling sessions are confidential. There are few circumstances where I am required, by law, to break confidentiality. These instances are: if I suspect you are in danger of harming yourself or another person, or I suspect there is child abuse. All other matters are confidential.
There are times when you will be encouraged to share with important people in your life, with thorough support and guidance, and only when you feel ready.
+ How many sessions could I benefit from?
The number of counselling sessions vary for each person. Depending on your goal, purpose for therapy, finances, and availability. We can discuss this during your consultation, collaborating throughout your sessions to determine what pace will best suit you.
+ Are counselling sessions covered by insurance or extended health benefits?
To find out if your sessions can be covered please contact your insurance or extended health benefits program before sessions begin. The following information is available for you to provide: 'Kevin Douma is a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, registered with the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada; registration number #2526'.
Supporting documentation can be provided upon request.